Cast Copper Alloys: Nickel Silvers (C97000 - C97999)

Standard Designation for Cast Copper Alloys


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Copper-Nickel-Zinc Alloys (Nickel Silvers) (C97000 - C97999)

* = are alloys registered with the U.S. EPA as Antimicrobial.

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UNS # Cu Pb Sn Zn Fe P Ni Al Mn S Sb Si Other Named Elements Status
Min%Max% Min%Max% Min%Max% Min%Max% Min%Max% Min%Max% Min%Max% Min%Max% Min%Max% Min%Max% Min%Max% Min%Max% Min%Max%

* = are alloys registered with the U.S. EPA as Antimicrobial.

(1) = Cu + Sum of Named Elements 99.0% min.
(2) = Ni value includes Co.
(3) = Cu + Sum of Named Elements 99.7% min.
(4) = Cu + Sum of Named Elements 99.6% min.